So I was a bit slow (still am) on getting the pics form our AMAZING Vegas trip off our phones. I got tagged by my friend Emily Sorensen in the mean time so here is some more about me....
Tagged--High school!
1. Did you date someone from your school? Pete Mickelonis, Travis Ougheltree, John Rupp and Jason Weed
2. What kind of car did you drive? I got rides
3. What was the most embarrassing moment of HS? I seriously can't think of one...
4. Where you a party animal? yah... I still am!
5. Were you considered a flirt? yes very much
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? choir. Singing is still my life
7. Were you a nerd? In some circles I was. I was a floater. I had friends in all the "groups"
8. Were you on any varsity teams? no
9. Did you get suspended/expelled? no I could usually sweet talk myself out of anything
10. Can you still sing the fight song? not even a tiny bit
11. Who were you're favorite teachers? My choir director Mr. Kuehn
12. Where did you sit during lunch? I ate in the music building
13. School mascot? Trojan Warrior
14. Did you go to Homecoming and with who? What year? Sophomore - Travis Oghletree Jr - Pete Sr - Jason
15. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Some parts
16. What do you remember most about graduation? Super balls EVERYWHERE
17. Where did you go senior skip day? Down Town Portland. We were going to go to the beach but we left too late
18. Were you in any clubs? nope
19. Have you gained any weight since then? yah
20. Who was your prom date? Jason Weed and Mindy K (LONG story)
21. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Didn't go. Was told that was a good decision
22. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself? Don't date Jason
Monday, October 20, 2008
Got tagged again
Posted by Eames at 1:13 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A 'tag' from Amy...
Three names I go by-
New Boobs Jen
Three restaurants I love-
Cheesecake Factory
Red Robin
Melting Pot
Three trips to plan in the next year-
Caribbean cruise
Las Vegas
Portland. Or
Three things I want badly-
A cleaning wife
Endless cash flow to help my family
Remodeled bathroom/laundry room
Three pets I have had-
2 dogs
8 cats (anyone want a kitten?!!)
4 fish, a frog, a snake and a hamster
Three things I did yesterday-
Got my hair done
Taught 60 kids a new song
Had a girls night with my ward friends
Three things I ate today-
Piece of cinnamon bread
Chicken tacos
Three fears I have-
Loosing Joe
House burning
Loosing Breezy or Danita
Three things I plan(ned) on doing today-
Get nails done (hair dresser took too long LOL!)
Getting hair done
Three things I plan on doing tomorrow-
Get nails done
Go to movies with Amy and Justyn!!!!
Pack for vegas!!!!!!!!!
Three favorite holidays-
St Patrick's Day
Three favorite beverages-
Dr Pepper
Very Berry Raspberry Lime-aide @ Red Robin
Three things I can't live without-
(Other than my family)
Cute shoes
Three people I tag-
Holly P. , Janelle , Emily S & Emily R (same name counts as 1 right?)
Posted by Jen Eames at 1:27 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sunday Drive
After Conference we decided to take a drive up the canyon to see the color change. It was so beautiful! I took so many pictures.
We took pictures of the kids and they are so wonderful I have decided that Danita will come back every year in Oct to take our pictures there.
Posted by Eames at 10:25 PM 0 comments
WOW!! We have been busy!
acting classes
family pictures
buying a new car, a visit from my sister Holly, dr appointments (to set up one final surgery...), Joe and I went on a benefit motorcycle ride for Cpt. Terry who was shot in June, and auditions for the Christmas play at the OBT. All 3 of the girls are in it!!! They are so excited!! Then the best thing of all happened!!! Danita my bestest friend in Oregon came to surprise me last night!!!! She came with her sisters Jaeda and Casey and Casey's room mate Candice.
I will highlight the best ones in their own blog so make sure you take a look to see all the great pics!
Posted by Eames at 3:20 PM 2 comments
9pm last night....
We had just come home from the movies with the kids. Joe and I were sitting down to watch our shows we had tivo'd when the doorbell rang.
I ran up the stairs thinking who the heck is at our house at 9pm!?
I opened the door and there was my best friend!!!!!!!!! DANITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to see her!!!!
She was with her sisters and her sister's room mate. They came in and we talked, looked at pics and surfed the web watching videos. Jaeda played with the kittens and Casey played with my kids. Then we all left and wet to Red Robin where we had the BEST waiter in the world!! Peter at the District Red Robin ROCKS! The bar tender was awesome too!! He found me a lime when they thought they were out!!! Just for me!!!!! I yelled "THANK YOU!!!!" Across the whole restaurant. He help up the pitcher he had in his hand and yelled back "Your welcome!"
We had the best time and ate YUMMY food.
Thanks for coming to see me Peanut!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Eames at 3:12 PM 1 comments
New Car!
After our motorcycle trip Joe has talked nothing (well almost) but upgrading the bike. When our friend (friends we rode with) called to say his dad was selling his bike (the one they rode) Joe was all over it and really wanted to get it. I wasn't really fond of the color. So he began looking around for other bikes.
I asked him how we were going to pay for it and he broke it all down AND added that in the spring we would get a new car with the tax return. We began to look for what we wanted to purchase in the spring. We decided on a Mazda 5. A few days later I was thinking in the shower... getting a new motorcycle now is so stupid! We would ride it for what 3 more weeks then store it all winter?! We need a car that fits us all before winter hits. Gas is too expensive to drive the truck all winter.
I took my thoughts to Joe and he reluctantly agreed. We began actively looking for a car. We're getting paid 5k from a side job in a month or so so we wanted to be out the door that much or less no matter where we bought it from. Our civic is paid off and we can get about 10 out of it. It proved to be harder then we thought as there just weren't very many Mazda 5's to be had that worked for us.
There was one in Spanish Fork that was perfect it was just so far we had to plan a time to go see it. That day came and Joe called me to get eh phone # to make sure they knew we were coming. I logged on again that afternoon, having already been on that morning and saw nothing new, and there it was!!!! It had only been listed for 2 hrs. It was our car!!! I called Joe and he called the people and we ran straight up to Syracuse, drove it and bought it in less then 2 hrs. We are so thrilled!!! We love it!!!
We got a great deal on it. It is worth way more then we paid for it AND it came with a dvd system!!!
Posted by Eames at 3:11 PM 1 comments
Benefit Ride
Joe's cousin Darren is a police officer. The police captain of Lehi was shot twice in the head in June buy a crazed woman when he pulled her over for reckless driving.
His med insurance is not covering all his medical bills so they have been having fundraisers for him. We were told about a benefit ride from him.
We rode from the Lindon Harley store and headed south to Spanish Fork and rode the Mt Nebo loop. It was SOOOOOOOOOO beautiful!!! I took so many pictures with my phone. We had a great time. We came back up north to Lehi to have a bbq lunch at the park.
There were over 300 motorcycles on this ride. It was incredible!!! We were so glad to be a part of it.
Posted by Eames at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Only my son....
Would think of this...
I went out to the mailbox and came back in to find this...
He figured something sticky would work to keep the metal thing on his face...
Posted by Eames at 1:26 PM 1 comments