A few weeks ago we returned home from camping over a long Labor Day Weekend. The next day the kids immediately went back to school and life went back to its faster then the speed of light pace. The following Tuesday I realized that I hadn't seen Belle since we came back home.
I immediately thought the worst since she is not one to just run away or wander off and not find her way home. We had just had a large section of our yard treated for ants and thought she had eaten some of the poison. Then a few days later the thought came to me, what if she had gotten into the car, fell asleep and I went to the school that Wednesday afternoon and left the window down and she got out....
So I posted on KSL and Craigslist. A week went by and nothing. And now here we are. I had decided to admit defeat and that she was gone or very happy somewhere else. I awoke this morning to my cell phone ringing. I answered and got horrible static and a loud tone like a fax machine. I hung up and called them back. A lady named Cassie answered and said she thought she might have my cat. They have had her for quite some time and hoped it was mine but at the same time hoped it wasn't as her children have grown to love her. And who wouldn't?! She is a very special cat.
Here lies the miracle. Cassie has never been to craigslist. Her daughter lost her cell phone and was given the idea to look on craigslist. So Cassie got on this morning and after looking for the missing cell phone thought she should check to see if anyone posted this cat lost. Sure enough there she was.
Now we have our sweet Belle back home. I am overjoyed!!!
Thank you Cassie and kids SOOOOOOOOOO much!!! You took such good care of her!! I will remember you for always!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Miracles Still Exist!!
Posted by Eames at 9:16 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
It Begins.....
The madness and the insanity that is school and extra curricular activities!!
This year is by far our busiest ever!!!!!!!
Here is a break down of our week.
Gymanstics for Katya and Brynn
School play rehearsal for Katya and Taylor
Soccer for Ryan (every other Tuesday)
Play rehearsal for K and T
Soccer practice for Tay
Acting classes for Tay
Soccer games for Tay
Soccer games for Ry(every other)
We get those off!
But we try to do something as a family
Soccer for Tay and Ry
Pictures soon to come!
Posted by Eames at 10:06 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Come One, Come All to the State Fair!!
We had a great time at the fair Monday night. We met up with the Marshes. Chris is Joe's boss during the day. Lindsay is my friend and all the kids are great friends. They had the best time with each other!
We met up in the rabbits and from there went and saw all the other livestock, the fruits and vegetables. We saw a magic show but Chris and I agreed that it felt more like we were watching a televangelist perform tricks! LOL!!! It was pretty lame.....
From there we went and ooo'd and ahhh'd over the tigers from India. They were pretty neat! And so pretty. We headed over to see the Funniest kids competition. It wasn't all that funny.... so we left and caught the end of the reptile show. It was so cool! I got there and in a good position just in time to be picked to go and pick up a GIANT tortoise!!! That was pretty cool and the kids thought I was awesome! The kids got to have a boa draped around their shoulders. Ry started freaking out. Last week he had a dream that a snake bit him and was trying to eat him. We made him touch it and really look at it. Now he is just fine and likes snakes again.
We ran across the street to get McD's for the kids. Came racing back in time for the kids to squeeze their way up in to the front area to see the tiger show. They loved it. Except K pushed Ry and he hit his head on a wheelchair. So he came out crying and Joe had to take him off somewhere to get him to quit crying. I was walking around the back of nearly 1000 people TRYING to get pics of the tiger show. I finally got a pretty decent location but had to stand on my tip toes to get any pics. The show ended and we all regrouped but we couldn't find Joe or Ryan. We finally all came together. The Marshes went on their way home and we stayed for another hour and got treats and walked around.
It was a fun filled night. The kids all had a great time. Next year I think we will use the all day ride pass deal if they do it again.
Posted by Eames at 2:32 PM 0 comments
On Sunday afternoon we headed downtown to the Greek Festival. I have a dear friend who is a member of the parish and in the choir for the festival.
I also wanted the kids to see traditional Greek dancing. It was amazing! It was so much fun to watch the dancers. The kids loved it!
We had yummy Greek food and Taylor got to join a dance circle. It was alot of fun!
Posted by Eames at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I Graduated!!!
I am all done going to physical therapy!!!
I still have exercises to do at home but I am done seeing the therapists and having 2 hrs of my day gone. I was going 3x a week for 2 hrs each time. then the last 3 weeks was 1x a week. I was there for almost 3 months.
If feels good to be done! The exercises I need to do at home are harder but they take up less of my time so that is always good!
I am on my way to being fully healed!!!!
Posted by Eames at 11:09 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
How was your Labor Day Weekend?
We had a great time!!!! Friday night we met some new friends and introduced them to the OBT. We went to the improv show that night and it was insanely hilarious!!!Saturday we packed up and went down to Manti, Ut and met with Darren and Stacey and Kale camping. We had a great time!!! It stormed both nights but during the day it was perfect weather for 4 wheeling and just hanging out.
It was a nice way to end the summer. On our way home we saw the most horrible thing...
There is SNOW on Mt. Timpanogos!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you tell I'm not ready for summer to end....
Posted by Eames at 2:38 PM 1 comments