What a celebration! Brynn ended up with 3 birthday parties! Spoiled little stink! It was alot of fun though! She had her first party with all her friends from our ward and neighborhood on Friday afternoon
(8/17) at Wheeler Farm. She had wanted a farm birthday. Since it was free I just invited families to join us in the celebration. The Evans; our next door neighbors Lisa, Rich, their kids Packer, Hanna and Kimball.
Jacksons; Mary, Kenny, their kids Sydney, Ruby and Charley. The Rasi-Koskeinens; Emily, Mark, their kids Kirsi, Kaylee, Zach and Annalee and Curtis' ; Melodee, Chad, their kids Ariana, Gavin and Dallin came. We had so much fun!
I had planned to make the cake and cupcakes myself but after collecting all I needed I added it up in my head and I was saving myself $3. So i had Walmart make it.

We had a barn cake and then cup- cakes that looked like pigs and baby chicks!!!! How super cute is that?! The kids had a great time and us parents enjoyed socializing. So it was a win win!
As a tradition the kids get to go in the hot tub for their birthday. Only Brynn's party was not at home. I had hoped she would forget but she didn't.... On the way home from school Friday she reminded Kirsi about the hot tub so we set a lunch date for her friends to come over to swim and eat. The had the BEST time ever! After swimming and eating they played dress up and played with her new gifts.
Sunday all the family came. I had stayed up ALL night (till 4:30 am) reading Eclipse. I woke at 9
to read more and at 11:30 thought I should prob- ably get the kids and myself ready for church
After church every one showed up. I was still in my room finishing. But then everyone started looking for me.... So I came back down and made the pizzas and we all watched Funniest Home Videos together. Then we did gifts and cake and ice cream. It was a fun day with family.