I think it just finally might be!! After 3 weeks of straight rain and thunderstorms, with only 2 days of sunshine stuck in there, we are now on day 6 of sunshine!!! But I am NOT excited AT ALL...
I am sure some of you thought I fell off the face of the planet. Nope... just the blogging world. We forget to take pictures off the camera and so where is the point in blogging. And there is this little thing called Facebook that I am NOT addicted too.
That said I will quickly(maybe) update the last 2 months. Has it really been 2 months!!! Almost 3!!! I am such a slacker!
April started the new theater classes. A few girls from our ward and neighborhood joined Brynn and Taylor in the casts. It also held my birthday! I had a great birthday this year. My best friend Danita came into town! We had a HUGE group pf us all go to the OBT for the opening of Transmorphers: Mormon meets the eye. Written by Logan Rogan. HILARIOUS show!!!! I wanted to go see it again and again but alas life is busy and we didn't make it back... we stayed for the improv show after and they did a day in the life of me again! It was awesome! I love that theater and everyone there. I don't have pics cuz our camera broke and I haven't moved the ones Danita put on our laptop to my computer.
April was also the real start of my new job as an exchange student coordinator. I absolutely love this job!!! I have a goal to place 11 kids this year. I placed 2 kids in April.
Oh and my other job as the fundraising coordinator had it's first chance to shine. We now run the huge pizza stand at the new Rio Tinto stadium. I am incharge of making sure I have enough people signed up to work and then make sure they get there. We had quite a few events in April. Its really fun!
May was INSANE!!! We had play rehearsal for Brynn and Taylor. Soccer for Ryan and Taylor. More events at Rio Tinto. I was all over the valley doing presentations at high schools in the classrooms to find host families. I have met so many great people!! On top of the presentations I was meeting with the host families to help them choose thier student and sign paperwork and answer questions. I placed 2 more in May. The first of the 2 came in just in time for the deadline for me to get a bonus on each kid I place! Thats 4 so far!! I know the Lord is truly helping me find these incredible families. My kids this month are a boy -
Jean from France who will be living in West Jordan and Luisa from Germany will be in Draper. Luisa has a twin sister who had not been placed. I made it MY goal to find her a family and I did it!!! It was official last week! I don't get the placement because the family is in Virginia. But I am just happy she has a home!
May also was Taylor's 10th birthday!!! We had a Harry Potter birthday. I will make a photo album for it since it was so cool! It was an amazing party! So much fun to do!
We also made our box garden and planted pumpkins, zucchini, radishes, red and green peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, and iceberg and romaine lettuce. The pictures were take just 2 weeks after we planted! I over planted the 1st garden. I'm not really sure why... but I am so glad I did. It took us nearly 6 weeks (cuz of the storms) to get the kids garden built. Too late to seed.. But once it was done I had starts big enough to transplant!
We also got a new couch thanks to the Gordons! Thanks Summer and Dennis we LOVE it!!!! So comfy!!June felt like I was finally going to be able to breathe. Yah right!
The girls performed their play. It was SOOOOOOOOOO cute!!! It was about pirates becoming stranded on an island with disco monks. It was really funny! If you ever have the desire to see a kids play or your kids want to we should have the DVD soon! Soccer ended so we had a bit more free time. We got a new camera but the SD card won't download to the laptop so now we need a cord to DL the pics of Tay playing soccer. I thought technology was supposed to make things easier... The end of school drew closer and finally summer break started!! But the rain didn't...
We had Katya's 11th birthday party!!! The day began at 2. We went to the salon and everyone got manicures. Then back to the house for a fashion show. On to IHOP for dinner then down town to the OBT for cake and presents and the new play Utahoma! They pulled Katya and her friend Laura(who's b-day was the day before) on the stage and the WHOLE audience sang Happy birthday to them! It was a great birthday!!
I finished up my presentations at the schools and then started all the phone calls. I put ads out on the internet bulletins and all over Facebook. All my hard work paid off!! I have 4 placements in teh month of June alone!!! For a total of 8!!! I only need 3 more to reach my goal!! I have a few leads and more opportunities coming my way in July that I am sure I will make my goal and I may even pass it!! My kids this month are Juliane from Germany who will be in Orem. Claire from France whos family is in Kearns. Yeen from Thailand will be living in Salt Lake(Ft Union area) and Akbota from Kazakhstan will be in Layton.
I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited to be the coordinator for these kids. I can't wait for what the new year will hold!
Our garden is growing really fast now that we have sun. I have not take recent pictures but we have already harvested most of our first crop of radishes!
My sister Sarah came and helped me de-junk the kids rooms while they spent 3 days at g-ma Eames house. I can't believe how much stuff 1 child can hide so well in their room! I knew they had an over abundance of toys and clothes ect... but I hauled out 2-3 bags of garbage (school papers in desk drawers, wrappers, broken toys ect)
PER ROOM!!!! All 3 rooms are now clean organized and decorated! They had better stay that way or else!
Our next adventures look like they will take us to Riverton Days for the 4th and camping with friends and a trip to Cali with the family!