Friday, May 30, 2008

Special Concert and School Carnival

I had one of those weird "old mom" moments this last week. When I was 15 my stake had a youth conference. We called it Yagottawanna. It was an AWESOME weekend filled with talent shows, concerts, activities, movies, picnics, water fights, firesides, guest appearances and a HUGE dance at the end . It was one of the best experiences from when I was a youth.

One of our special guests was Steve James. He know writes all the music for the school safety program in Utah and other states I think. He came and did a special concert at my kids school!

It was so surreal seeing him and hearing him again. I went up and talked to him and he remembers very well that weekend in Hillsboro, Or. The concert was great!

After the concert the school had a HUGE fund raiser carnival. He kids had a blast! The kids got to dunk the principal! It was a great carnival!

I am SOOOO glad I live in an area where I can trust all the people around me so that my older ones could run off with their friends. I had to take them by myself and with one arm it proved quite a challenge to keep everything under control. We all made it home in one piece.