Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bear Lake

For this years choir tour we decided to make it way low key and way fun. Usually we go somewhere far and exotic (Caribbean cruise, Hawaii, ect...) This year we stayed in a couple homes up at Bear Lake. The original plan was for me and Joe to take the motorcycle up there but when we found out Zi-hyun and Anja would be with us and that Zi-hyun would not be going with us to Cali we decided that the girls should go with me.

We had a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!

We headed up and stopped at the spring up Logan Canyon. We met the rest of the choir and gang at the Pickleville Playhouse where we had a fantastic dinner and watched an amazing cast put on Annie Get Your Gun. It was awesome!!! One of the leads is my brother Bradley's best friend so my parents and Brad and his wife Janelle met us up there too!

We stayed the night with my family in some of Janelle's families cabins then spent the next morning with them at the lake. At lunch we said goodbye and headed to where the choir had a spot at the North Shore.

We got there just in time to eat and play! Anja and Zi-hyun took the canoes out for a while then we all piled in Shauna and Rusty's boat and had our turn on the 3-man inner tube. THAT was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUN!!!!!!! I wish someone had gotten pics!

As we were packing up to head back to the cabin to make dinner we decided to make a potty run. The car got stuck in the sand!!! Laron and Jim had to come and help pull me out. Again no pics... :( it was pretty funny though!

Once we were back at the cabin a began to prepare for dinner. I was in charge of that nights dinner to feed ALL of us. As I got the chicken going I went to locate the rest of the ingredients only to find that they had been left behind, at home, in my garage!!!! We all silently prayed as Kathy and Jen ran to the ONLY store that they would have ingredients that would work. The returned triumphant much to everyone's astonishment. The store had exactly what we needed in the exact quantities we needed! Dinner was delicious!

Dessert was cobbler and it was heavenly! While it was busy cooking in the dutch ovens we had bells playing and a mean game of Apples to Apples going.

It was a great night!!!

Sunday we woke and went to the church in the area to sing for their meeting. It was awesome and they were all so impressed that they have asked us to come and perform in the Paris, Id Tabernacle concert series! After church we headed back to clean and pack and head home.

Us girls stopped at a market to get our raspberry shakes. They were way yummy!

WE stopped at the Ut Id border for a photo op when we heard someone on a bullhorn talking to us. We looked around and saw it was a cop! He wanted to know if we wanted him to take our picture!! It was so awesome!!!

We made it home, unpacked, washed and packed again so we could leave in the morning for Cali!

Brynn's 7th Birthday!

Brynn wanted a Hawaiian birthday. I found this WAY cute idea for cupcakes but for weeks could not find the things I needed for it.

They day of I still hadn't. I took Anja with me and we went to the stores to try and locate said items. No luck... so we improvised. We made up an entirely different cake and it was just as good!

We started out by listening to Hawaiian music and the kids just danced and played. Once everyone arrived they all went for a swim. I lowered the hot tub temp so it was perfect for swimming and playing in on a REALLY hot day.

After the kids were exhausted and starving we made fruit kabobs. The kids had a blast making those and eating all the fruit. Then cake and hawaiian ice creams (thery were in REAL fruit shells!)

More swimming then presents then everyone got to go home.

It was a great party!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Time Flies...

...When your life is INSANE!!

I can't believe it has been over 2 months since I last blogged!!! As usual it has been crazy in the Eames house.

The kids have been super busy with soccer and dance and school. They are now all in this years Christmas show at the OBT. X-MAS MEN!!

Katya - began Irish dance lessons and loves it! She is doing well in school and has been chosen to participate in a talented and gifted program for those with high reading and English scores. She is really excited!

Taylor - is LOVING being goalie. She loves her soccer team and has also been taking private futsal (footworking tricks) lessons. Tay also got glasses! Not sure where my kids are getting it... Joe and I both don't have glasses. Well just 4 days after she got them she was reffing a tether ball game (she couldn't play as she had broken her thumb playing tether ball just the day before) She got whacked in the head with the tether ball and her glasses broke! *sigh*

Brynn - is just plugging along. She hasn't found anything besides acting that she really enjoys doing. Except torturing her brother. She is doing well in school and really likes 2nd grade.

Ryan - is finally done with soccer! Woo hoo! Tuesdays were killing me! He is really excited to be in the play with "real X-Men"

Since my last blog this is what has happened.

  • I placed my last student!!!!!!! We're going to ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • B-day party for Isaac Platt in Sugar house
  • G-pa Eames took the kids to teach them to golf and we lost Katya
  • Anja came and we had SOOOOOOOOOO much fun with her!
  • All my foreign students arrived
  • Celebrated part of Brynn's b-day at the OBT (her party will have a blog)
  • Took Anja and Zi-hyun to Bear Lake with me for the choir trip(look for its own blog too!)
  • We all (except zi-hyun :( ) went to Las Vegas and California and had a BLAST!!!!!! (separate blog)
  • Anja and I went to the Great Salt Lake for sunset
  • We had Zi-hyun's birthday at a Korean restaurant
  • One of my students ran away back to Thailand
  • We also celebrated G-ma Eames b-day and Anja's b-day and Zi-hyun's with the rest of the family
  • I took the exchange students to Park City. They LOVED the Alpine slide!
  • Celebrated my sister Melissa's b-day
  • Took the kids to the zoo again this time with G-ma Eames
  • Canned 10lbs of chicken and some pears
  • Made Halloween gingerbread house
  • Went with Ryan's class to the zoo
  • Been looking up places to eat and see in NYC and Italy!
  • Joe and I went on a diet for 11 days. Lost 9 lbs! We are doing it again!

So been busy to say the least. Watch for the other blogs. They will have pictures